

Angela Client Care Representative

Growing up in Hungary, Angela’s love and passion for animals was clear from a very young age. From observing insects – mostly ladybugs, stag-beetles and butterflies – to placing snails “in safety” on rainy days, and browsing under the Animal Books and Magazines Section in the library, she was always looking for ways to surround herself with animals. Her mission was to save as many dogs and cats from the streets as she could to find them new homes (or keep them), along with her beloved grandma.  

In October of 2020, Angela was thrilled to emBARK on her career in the veterinary field at LAC. She finds herself very lucky to be working with such dedicated, professional and like-hearted team members. Her favourite part of the job is to earn pets’ and their family’s trust with our care. She takes kisses from pups, purrs from kitties, and smiles from clients as significantly honourable rewards on the job. She also believes there’s nothing like the experience of being part of a family’s adventure with new companions, to then watch them grow up and grow old together. 

She has great interest in animal welfare, preventative care, nutrition, and animal behaviour. When interacting with fur babies and assisting the veterinarians, her goal is that, at every visit, they receive the best experience possible. 

When not at work, Angela enjoys spending time outdoors with friends, family and the family dog Bennie the Labrador Retriever. She also loves to bundle up on the couch with her husband and their very own fur baby, Arthoor the kitten.