

Ivan ACC

Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated by and interested in animals. I would constantly buy books about animals, watch animal documentaries and even do a child’s equivalent of “exploring” in our backyard to find animals. I also had all kinds of pets; rabbits, hamsters, birds, fish, and a beautiful dog named Luna. This fascination led to me pursue a career in the veterinary field. I began working at the clinic as a veterinary assistant in August of 2021. 

Working at the clinic has taught me a lot about the field as well as introduced me to amazing coworkers. Working with cats and dogs of all shapes and sizes keeps the job fun and interesting. My favourite part is working with the veterinarians as I learn so much from them; they are also very fun to work with. The friendly environment in the clinic makes the overall experience of working even better. 

Some fun facts about me are that I am currently a biology student at the University of Toronto, I love playing and watching soccer and I also recently picked up pickle making as a hobby.