Nutrition Counselling

Tailored guidance and support optimizing a pet’s overall well-being through proper dietary choices.

When it comes to our pet’s diet, there is such a thing as having too many options. Walking down any pet food aisle or browsing through online shops can be incredibly overwhelming. Our team can help you navigate this confusing aspect of your pet’s health. For more details on our nutrition counselling services, give us a call at 416-481-1127.

What happens during nutritional counselling for pets?

Nutrition counselling is a private consultation dedicated specifically for your pet’s diet. A veterinarian will meet with you to discuss and assess your pet’s nutrition. You will be asked questions on any issues your pet may be having with their diet, the type of food they are currently eating, their feeding schedule/style, and other topics related to their diet.

Do healthy pets need nutritional counselling?

A common misconception is that nutrition counselling is only for overweight or underweight pets, or those with certain health conditions like diabetes or cancer. The truth is all pets can benefit from nutritional counselling. When your pet has the best nutrition possible for their specific needs, it is a solid way to boost their immunity, improve their mood, increase their lifespan and enhance their overall quality of life.

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